General Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I place my Rubymoonshine unit? Rubymoonshine is safe to place on any non-flammable surface in any apartment, house restaurant or hotel. No ventilation is required. How long will the ethanol last? On maximum capacity, the RM units will burn 0,48 litres per hour, and on minimum 0,32 litres per hour depending on ventilation […]

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Safety Disclaimer

RUBYMOONSHINE SAFETY DISCLAIMER Please read BEFORE lighting your Rubymoonshine ethanol burner! – Ethanol liquid is HIGHLY FLAMMABLE. Do not smoke around Ethanol liquid. -Keep away from children. -Keep Ethanol Liquid tightly sealed after use, and packed away from children, preferably     outside or in garage. Store at own risk. -DO NOT DRINK ethanol liquid. In case […]

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How to light your fire?

1. Pour ethanol into the burner using either the 5 litre bottles or your own jug. Rubymoonshine recommends using a jerry can (not supplied) with a long nozzle attachment (can be purchased from any hardware or plastic shop). Pour in the recommended amount or fill to just a finger or more from the top of […]

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RubyMoonshine About

Rubymoonshine founder, Max Hogg, has extensive experience in the fireplace market. Towards the end of 2014, she decided to go out on her own and founded Rubymoonshine. Max is a specialist in the BioFuel field, and Rubymoonshine is set to become the leading distributor of Ethanol fuel and manufacturer of Ethanol burners in South Africa. […]

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Ruby Moonshine Burners

Rubymoonshine burners are manufactured in Johannesburg, South Africa and are made with high grade stainless steel. They are two toned in colour for added uniqueness.The high grade 304 brushed stainless steel unit has a dampener box inside which insulates the heat, which in turn regulates the temperature on the surface.The burners incorporate a honey comb […]

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Ruby Moonshine Ethanol

Rubymoonshine supplies ethanol in 5 litre bottles at R115-00 per bottle.These bottles are packed in boxes with 5 to a pack. Ethanol can also be packed in 25 litre drums at R580-00 per bottle. These drums also come with a nozzle tap extension for easier pouring. The ethanol is biodegradable and colourless and has a […]

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